Crested Gecko

Care Guide


Crested geckos are pretty good at being held. They will jump but you can get them and they all have different personalities so one could be springy and the other one is mellow. So you choose them based on what type you want. They can also drop their tails.


Crested geckos need daily watch and they also need to be misted at least once a day so they stay hydrated.


They will sometimes eat live insects but will mostly eat plants and a mix of dead insects and other healthy nutrients. They like stuff called pangea.


When it comes to humitidy its a big deal because you dont want to over heat them so make sure that their enclosure is not too hot.


A good temperature for a crested gecko is 65-75 degrees and you don’t want it less than that or hotter than that.


You will want a tank that measures 12 by 12 by 18 inches tall.