Ball Python
One of the most popular snakes is the ball python.
You should use a glass tank or a plastic tub.
You want your enclosure to be big enough for the ball python to fit stretched out on two sides.
You should have holes on the side of your enclosure.
Keep your enclosure as big as it needs to be because if its too big your ball python will not eat because it feels unsafe.
They grow to be 4-5 feet. Females get a little bigger. Females get to be 5 feet.
You have to increase the size of your enclosure as the ball python gets bigger.
You want a lock on your enclosure lid.
Your heat mat should go under your enclosure and be a third of the size of the enclosure. You shouldn’t put any other heat mat on the other side because that is the cold part.
Use a thermostat to control your heat mat temperature. Keep the temperature 2 degrees below or above 90 degrees. You need a probe to put on your enclosure. Put the probe right above the heat mat. You can use silicone sealant to attach the probe to the enclosure.
Feed them frozen mice or rats or thawed mice or rats.
Use substrate (the layer of dirt or carpet or other material on the bottom of the tank or tub).
You should have one hiding spot on the warm end and one hide on the cold side. The hide should let them be completely hidden in it. I also recommend logs. Logs are not hides, they are just for enrichment.
You need a water dish for your ball python. Put it on the cold side of the enclosure.
You should give your ball python a humidity box. Then you won’t have any problems with shedding. It should be big enough for the snake to curl up in. Fill it halfway with moss.